A look on Gays and Lesbians

Monday, February 22, 2010

Second Response to Thoughts of Kolis

The next blog that I looked at was Thoughts of Kolis. I never really knew anything about his topic and his topic was about how an artist affects a listener by not only by their music but also on the actions that they portray and that this could influence the listener. He talked about the history of hip hop and it really intersted in reading about it. In his slide show he talked about how in the 1970's hip hop was credited with reducing violence and giving an alternative to violence but then his slide show said that all that changed in the 1990's hip hop emerged which was centered around violence and drugs.With this new form of hip hop, the connection between rap and violence emerged. I find this very interesting and I never knew that there were two types of hip hops and its intersting to see why and how hip hop changed. In one of the youtube videos that were shown on the slide show, it talked about how having a gun shows a sign of masculinity and this was influenced from the rap that artists rap. This shows a negative influence on rap because it could create people to be violent. He then had a slide about black celebrities like Oprah and Russel Simmons and how they think its best to change the lyrics to their music which is a conteversial concept because people may believe that by changing the lyrics to their music there will be a postive influence to the society. The artists then responded to this idea and they said that their cds would not sell because their idea and image is a ganster and people like that. I found this to be very interesting to read about and I never really thought about how Rap does have an influence on violence. Also it was intersting to see rappers that dont base their ideas on just violence like Lupe Fiasco which I thought was good. Also he brought up the focus and topic that music isnt the only issue He brings up the point and says that the problem is also our society and how we live. Music isn't the only thing that is violent in our society, so are movies and television shows.

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