A look on Gays and Lesbians

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Background for Analitical Part of Gays and Lesbians

In all the background that was done, there were a lot of different things that Gays and Lesbians that were talked about. The background information of Gays and Lesbians talked about the first organizations that were formed, laws that were specifically created for Gays and Lesbians in order to hurt and help them, and people who did something to benefit Gays and Lesbians.
The first background information that was done was the history of Gays and Lesbians in America. In the 1930’s people believed being gay was a mental disability and in the article of Gay Rights, it says, “Homosexuality became linked in the popular mind to a criminal underworld populated by prostitutes, child molesters, and murderers". This was said also around the 1930’s. In the article it talked more about the 1960’s and that was when Gays and Lesbians started to get their rights. In the article it says, “Although the success of gays and lesbians in securing civil rights has increased markedly since the 1970s after activists began to challenge federal and state laws, aspects of homosexual behavior remained criminalized in many parts of the United States until the landmark decision in Lawrence v. Texas (2003), which ruled antisodomy laws unconstitutional”. This shows that still to this day, Gays and Lesbians aren’t yet equal.
Next, some background was done about the stonewall riots and they were the first time Gays and Lesbians protested against letting them stay in the same bar. This information was taken from the article, Stonewall Riots. What happened was that they got kicked out because they were gay and got escorted out and the next day, Gays, Lesbians, women and men protested and marched against this. In the article it says,” When they moved against the Stonewall Inn, they expected that homosexuals would simply take their arrests without complaint, as they had usually done in the past. This time, however, gays fought back rather than submit, and a melee resulted in injuries to four policemen." This shows that Gays were actually doing something. In the protest for this, there were over 400 young men and women and they chanted “gay power”. This was the first time in the United States that Gays fought back and because of this, homosexuals formed the Gay Liberation Front and that demanded an end to discrimination based on sexual preferences. This is exciting because it is the first time Gays and Lesbians fight for their rights to stay in the bar. This was a changing point in society because after this happened and Gay Pride week has always fallen on the week at which the Stonewall Riots happened.
Next, some background information was done about Barney Frank and he was just a guy that was in congress and helped out the Gays and Lesbians because he himself was gay himself. He was very successful in his term of power. This was found in the article, Barnet Frank.
Last but not least, there was an article about the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy which was created by Clinton in 1993. This law has still not been change and what this law states is that, “forbids homosexuals in the military from revealing their sexual orientation and others from asking about it. Although it established the right of gays and lesbians to serve in the military, it went away from who they really were and had to hide something that shouldn’t be needed to be hidden. Also the new policy forbade them to participate in overtly homosexual activities, to proselytize for the gay lifestyle, or to acknowledge their own sexual preference”.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This seems choppy - try to make it flow better. It seems like you did some good research, but try to go more in-depth when explaining the articles. Your analysis of the articles does not explain how they matter to the issue specifically enough. After your discription of the Stonewall Riots, you said, "this shows that gays were actually doing something." Yes, this is true, but go deeper and don't just state the obvious. This was okay overall.

  3. Like Brittney said, it seems very choppy with all the different information. I feel like you sort of just listed all the different information that you found, and incorperated no analysis. What you should try to do is have about two sentences of context and then three to four sentences of analysis. Also you should try to come up with a theme in the beginning and try to connect all of your information to that theme.
