A look on Gays and Lesbians

Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Thoughts on Gays and Lesbians

The topic that i will be reseaching is Gays and Lesbians. The reason as to why I am intersted in learning about Gays and Lesbians is because I want to know how it started and how it has progressed over time. I want to know more about this topic because it interests me and i want to learn the history behind it. I want to know how Gays and Lesbians felt when they were left out of things based on this aspect. A question I ask myself is, Are Lesbians and Gays discriminated majorly based on being Gay or Lesbian? These are some questions that I ask that I want to learn about. How it all started will be very intersting to learn. Also i want to research more about AIDS because I feel like Gays and Lesbians were always known to having AIDS so i want to see how those two ideas connect. Also, this topic intersts me personaly because I have a friend that is Gay and I want to learn more about the backround behind it. I think its very strong and powerful for people to stand for what they believe think is right and I want to learn about how the society reacts to this. I also want to know if states allow Gays and Lesbians to get married and, something interseting about Obama's speech yesturday talked about how he thinks its the fair and right thing to do by letting Gays serve in the army and military.

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