A look on Gays and Lesbians

Friday, January 29, 2010

Stonewall Riots

In this article it talked about how gays, lesbians, and bisexuals started to get rights in the constitution in 1969 from the stonewall riots and this was located in New York's Cities Greenwich Village. This event occured on June 27th, 1969. In the article it talks about how gays were working up their libertation. In 1965 it talks about how in New York no more than 3 bisexuals were allowed at a bar at a time. This shows that America is being unfair and unjust. This bothered me when i read it because I was ashamed as to see how Gays did not have the rights as to be in the same place at once. It really isnt right. But, it made me happy as to see that things have changed from that time and because of all the movements that gays and other people have done, they have gotten to a better fairness than the past. In the article it says," When they moved against the Stonewall Inn, they expected that homosexuals would simply take their arrests without complaint, as they had usually done in the past. This time, however, gays fought back rather than submit, and a melee resulted in injuries to four policemen." This is one of the first times where Gays went against what the policement were asking and they were actually taking action into what they believed in was right. That night the Stonewall in closed and the next day there were over 400 young men and women appeared. They hurled bottles at police and chanted, "gay power". After Stonewall,homosexuals formed the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and demanded an end to discrimination based on sexual preferences. They went against different companies that went against gays working for them.I find this very interesting and exciting that Gays stood up for themselves. Also because of the stonewall riots,in the following year of June 1970, members organized Gay Pride Week to commemorate the first anniversary of Stonewall. About 10,000 gays and lesbians marched in New York City to display the pride, assertion, and liberation already evident in their other endeavors, including magazines and newspapers committed to gay life. This is very intersting to me and it showed people in the united states that this was a problem and because 10,000 people marched it showed how many people were for Gay's and for Gay rights."Stonewall riots." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .

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