A look on Gays and Lesbians

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dont ask, Dont tell Policy

The Dont ask, Dont tell Policy is very intersting in my opinion. I think that when Bill Clinton thought of this idea, he was trying to help out homosexuals on being in the army but overall, I dont think that this was a good plan. What the Dont ask, dont tell policy forbids homosexuals in the military from revealing their sexual orientation and others from asking about it. Although it established the right of gays and lesbians to serve in the military, it went away from their who they really were and had to hid something that shouldnt be needed to be hidden. Also the new policy forbade them to participate in overtly homosexual activities, to proselytize for the gay lifestyle, or to acknowledge their own sexual preference. This is not fair to gays,lesbians, and homosexuals because by not letting homosexuals into the army, the government and the people are discriminating against sexuality which is incorrect. This Dont ask, Dont tell Policy was thought of in 1993 so at least their is some progression in the United States with this idea. Its good that Bill Clinton thinks its okay for Homosexuals to be part of the army and military but he only thinks its okay if Homosexuals dont define who they really are which is a lack of idenity. This bothers me beacuse if I wanted to be a teacher and the government wouldnt allow me to be a teacher based on me being a women, I would think that, that was very unfair and i would protest agaisnt that. "don't ask, don't tell policy." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2010. .

Barney Frank

I just read this article on Barney Frank and it talked about how he was the first openly homosexual congressman.Barney Frank had successfully addressed many issues during his terms in office but has also offended some gays and lesbians by taking a perceived moderate stance on the issue of homosexuals in the military. Barney Frank was very successful even though people knew that he was homosexual. When i read this article it made me happy to see that people for the most part did not judge Barney's character based on him sexuality.There were a couple rumors and the most serious callenge that Frank had was in 1989 when The Washington Times reported that he had hired a male prostitute, Steve Gobie, who he later retained as a household employee. The Times reported that Gobie had used Frank's apartment as a base from which to operate a prostitution business, a situation Frank claimed he knew nothing about. After nearly a year of investigation by a House ethics committee, Frank was officially reprimanded by a 408-18 vote of his colleagues. Efforts to impose more serious penalties failed. This is also good because it shows again how people saw Barney Frank as a person and did not base him off his sexuality. After this event happened, Frank Barney started to talk about Gay rights and started to get involved with this issue. After the vote, Frank began to speak out more openly and forcefully on gay and lesbian issues. In talking about his own homosexuality, he has said that he has "nothing to hide, nothing to advertise." He says little more about his personal life than that he "lives with Herb Moses," without defining that relationship in more detail. This shows that Frank tried to change things because he knew that discriminating against gays was not the right thing to do. This is exciting for me because it gives me hope that in the future gays and strait people will be complelty equal."Barney Frank." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2010. .

Friday, January 29, 2010

Stonewall Riots

In this article it talked about how gays, lesbians, and bisexuals started to get rights in the constitution in 1969 from the stonewall riots and this was located in New York's Cities Greenwich Village. This event occured on June 27th, 1969. In the article it talks about how gays were working up their libertation. In 1965 it talks about how in New York no more than 3 bisexuals were allowed at a bar at a time. This shows that America is being unfair and unjust. This bothered me when i read it because I was ashamed as to see how Gays did not have the rights as to be in the same place at once. It really isnt right. But, it made me happy as to see that things have changed from that time and because of all the movements that gays and other people have done, they have gotten to a better fairness than the past. In the article it says," When they moved against the Stonewall Inn, they expected that homosexuals would simply take their arrests without complaint, as they had usually done in the past. This time, however, gays fought back rather than submit, and a melee resulted in injuries to four policemen." This is one of the first times where Gays went against what the policement were asking and they were actually taking action into what they believed in was right. That night the Stonewall in closed and the next day there were over 400 young men and women appeared. They hurled bottles at police and chanted, "gay power". After Stonewall,homosexuals formed the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and demanded an end to discrimination based on sexual preferences. They went against different companies that went against gays working for them.I find this very interesting and exciting that Gays stood up for themselves. Also because of the stonewall riots,in the following year of June 1970, members organized Gay Pride Week to commemorate the first anniversary of Stonewall. About 10,000 gays and lesbians marched in New York City to display the pride, assertion, and liberation already evident in their other endeavors, including magazines and newspapers committed to gay life. This is very intersting to me and it showed people in the united states that this was a problem and because 10,000 people marched it showed how many people were for Gay's and for Gay rights."Stonewall riots." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gay Rights

The article that I read was very intersting and talked about how there was hate crime lesgislation on people who were Gay and Lesbian and people were killed because they were gay and lesbian. Before the 1960's gays and lesbians were not protected by the U.S. Constitution. In England,in 1533, Parliament passed the Buggery Act, which made homosexual intercourse a capital offense punishable by hanging. Also the article talks about how before the 20th century, if someone was gay or lesbian it was private and the public did not really know about this. In response to a visible gay culture, government authorities moved to clamp down on homosexual behavior. For the first time in America, moral reform societies identified homosexuality as a specific social problem to eradicate.In the article it says, "Though gay men were now open targets of law enforcement, it was not until the 1930s that concerted antigay campaigns began to flourish, most of which developed in reaction to the perceived lawlessness of the Prohibition era. Homosexuality became linked in the popular mind to a criminal underworld populated by prostitutes, child molesters, and murderers". This shows how America was not used to change and didnt see gays and lesbians as people, but as a stero type to a specific thing. When i read this it bothered me because someone should not be sterotyped based on their sexuality, or the color of their skin. Those things do not base off the character of a person. Also this article talks about the movement of events that took place in America it says, "Although the success of gays and lesbians in securing civil rights has increased markedly since the 1970s after activists began to challenge federal and state laws, aspects of homosexual behavior remained criminalized in many parts of the United States until the landmark decision in Lawrence v. Texas (2003), which ruled antisodomy laws unconstitutional". This shows how some people and states are just against this and the negative affects towards that. At the end of the article it talks about AIDS and its very interesting for me to read what it has to say about it. It says, " Part of the difficulty that gays and lesbians have faced in securing the legalization of same-sex relationships stems from the rise of the Christian Right and misinformation generated during the early phase of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, when gay men were thought to be the only carriers of the disease. AIDS generated a backlash among conservative Americans, who used the disease as an excuse to justify violence against homosexuals and their exclusion from civil rights and hate crime legislation. Colorado's Amendment 2 (1992), which was later declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in Romer v. Evans (1996), sought to deny sexual orientation as a possible basis for discrimination and thus protection under Colorado law"."gay rights." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2010. .

First Thoughts on Gays and Lesbians

The topic that i will be reseaching is Gays and Lesbians. The reason as to why I am intersted in learning about Gays and Lesbians is because I want to know how it started and how it has progressed over time. I want to know more about this topic because it interests me and i want to learn the history behind it. I want to know how Gays and Lesbians felt when they were left out of things based on this aspect. A question I ask myself is, Are Lesbians and Gays discriminated majorly based on being Gay or Lesbian? These are some questions that I ask that I want to learn about. How it all started will be very intersting to learn. Also i want to research more about AIDS because I feel like Gays and Lesbians were always known to having AIDS so i want to see how those two ideas connect. Also, this topic intersts me personaly because I have a friend that is Gay and I want to learn more about the backround behind it. I think its very strong and powerful for people to stand for what they believe think is right and I want to learn about how the society reacts to this. I also want to know if states allow Gays and Lesbians to get married and, something interseting about Obama's speech yesturday talked about how he thinks its the fair and right thing to do by letting Gays serve in the army and military.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union- President Obama Speaking

Obams is showing from his speech to the state of the Union the change and the hope he has in our country. I was very pleased with his speech and showed that he is trying to get America out of the Recession. I agree with what he talked about with giving small buisnesses money so they could maintain and keep their buisnesses. It made me happy that he wants Republicans and Democrates to work things out and it was exciting to see and hear him say that. He was very hopeful about the change that he is planning. I thought his speech was powerful and most of the audience in my opinion agreed about what he was talking about. Towards the end of his speech, he talked about how he is going to repeal the law that denie for gay americans to server because that is the right thing to do. I totally agree with what he says and it shows the change that he wants in America to show equality. Here is some news about what Obama talked about in a complex manner.
President Obama started off his speech by talking about the constitution and what the constitution gives to congress. President Obama talks about how progess is inevitable and how in this nation people are tested. He talks about work and jobs. How 1 in 10 americans cannot find work in America. He talks about how change has not come fast enough and talks about the democrates and republicans need to work through their differences. Obama says that the year has been a difficult year on our history. He talks about how America is stuggling but enocuraged. Obama is hopeful of Americans future and he talks about how America is not going to quit and is not fearful of anything that is to come. Obama also brings up the point about the finanicial pay fees and how banks should pay fees. There is also the Recovery Act and it is a stimulous bill and these things are what is going to bring the economy out of the Recession. Obama says that America has been in a recession for two yerars but, the economy is recovering. Obama says that Jobs are the focus in 2010.
Obama then switched to talking about Jobs and how 3 trillion dollars will be given to small buisnesses instead of large. He then talks about Capital Gains(profite) on small buisnesses and he believes in a new foundation.
These are some of the things that President Obama talks about how college is too expensive and how there is going to be a change in that. I agree with this because I am still in highschool and i look at the prices of different colleges and its crazy how expensive some of the school are.

New Released Movies that have came out compared to old

The movie Avitar, that just came out this month has already gotten over a million views and is the movie of the year based on the creativity and the mixture of action and suspense. But does this movie top the views of the famous movie, The titanic? People compare the two because the same director directed these movies. There are talks about how avitar might get more views then Titanic.