A look on Gays and Lesbians

Monday, February 8, 2010

U.S. Government Reconsiders "Dont Ask Dont Tell" Policy for the Military- Agreeing View Point

This article talked about how Obama wants to change the law of "Dont ask, Dont tell" policy and they want to change this law because many people are loosing their job to serve in the army so in this article, the view point is on the side where they argree with changing the "Dont ask, dont tell" Policy. The author of the article says,"There is a school of thought which believes should the United States military allow its homosexual members to serve openly it will somehow deteriorate the long standing moral fibers of the organization. I have a hard time with this logic and I have had discussions with various service members regarding the moral codes of the United States military and they are so grossly outdated I don't know if anyone in this day and age can maintain them. You have a younger generation of soldiers trying to live up to codes set by men who existed in a totally different time, place and society". This quote shows that he thinks that the times have changed from the past and there is a younger generation and that the government cant base their opinion on the old generation. I agree with this because its the fair and right thing to do and it is a new generation and many things have changed for the better in the new generation and this also could be a very good thing if it is changed. He also says," I find it ironic that the moral fibers could be eroded in a organization which has been trying currently to curb the pregnancy of its soldiers while deployed. Is there a double standard, where relations between a man and a woman, even if they are married to other people are somehow more valid than those of a same sex couple? I think the people who are fighting the updating of these antiquated policies really need a kick in the pants". This shows that he is agaist the idea of the "Dont Ask, Dont tell" policy because it is unfair and just old fashion. I totally agree with this because its exactly what I believe. He also talks about people should be able to love who ever they want and it shouldnt restrict them from wanting to be part of the army. He says," It wont bankrupt an organization to give people the freedom to love who they wish to love". I agree with this because thats perfectly said as to what i believe. Gays and Lesbians should have the freedom of being able to participate in the military and I think that it will not corrupt or bankrupt the systom. Overall I enjoyed this article because I agreed with the view point and I think that its the right thing to do with letting Gays and Lesbians participate in the military. Overall, if a new law comes to play, maybe in the beginning people will not want to stay in the army but overtime people will get over it.


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